charles bukowski wrote love is a dog from hell and i'm here to clarify that not only is love a 200lb hell hound, but that it's a un-trained purebreed pitbull that will piss on your leg and shit in your house and chew up your panties.....i want to kick this dog........but i'm afraid i'll break my foot.....i want to just take this rabid dog out into the back forty and shoot it....but i'm afraid of the alternative... of the sinking black hole of lonliness... and the strange alternate dimension i could end up in.....i have never been more confused in my life.......i'm like a frog who swims too far out into the pond and can't find a lily pad...and i'm tired......I feel like all the displaced people of the somehow i didn't realize how miserable i would be when i boarded the plane to the burmuda a rubix cube....and now the sex is all mixed up with the sentiment....and creativity....and career...and family...and friendships.......and i'm so impatient as i try to make sense of everything and put it all back to its proper place ... i just want to begin peeling all of life's colors up and resticking everything where it properly belongs....but now i can't stop sticking them all over my sequins